Latest Youtube Rules Begins, Some Videos have been Deleted!

Rindi Putra
Latest Youtube Rules Begins, Some Videos have been Deleted!

Latest Youtube Rules Begins, Some Videos Removed!
The Latest Youtube Rules are in force, Some Videos have been deleted! Then what kind of video is being 'hunted' by Youtube right now? Does it look? or from the back sound used? Here is some information that the Rinditech team got directly from Youtube and other sources.

YouTube regulations lately have experienced a lot of updates, some time ago Youtube began to tidy up the rules about children's videos that made some 'Mother' protests because videos containing their children could not display advertisements and even some were removed.

Far earlier also the creators on YouTube were made dizzy with the rules of the use of music or back sound that they used to use because at this time almost all commercial music can no longer be used arbitrarily.

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What are the Latest Youtube Rules?

Where are the latest Youtube rules now? Is it the use of material or music or the language used? Or is there something else? Why are there videos that have been deleted after this rule took effect?
Today we are announcing a series of policy and product changes that update how we tackle harassment on YouTube.

"Today we announce some changes to the rules and the new process of how we deal with harassment content on Youtube."

If seen from the official statement issued by Youtube on its official page, the new rules applied are more for the content or content contained in the video in general such as the intent, meaning, the purpose of a video made.

Another keyword comes from the word "harassment" which means "interference". But in the broad sense, harassment can also mean satire, bullying, intimidation, etc. at this time, perhaps terms that have been widely discussed are terms such as "hate speech", defamation, etc.

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Youtube has started

After the latest Youtube rules were announced and took effect, soon some YouTubers began reporting on social media that some of the videos they had uploaded were removed by the Youtube system. Complete with an official notification from Youtube saying that their video has violated one of YouTube's rules.

One example of a video removed by Youtube is a video uploaded by an account called iDubbbzTV with video titled "Content Cop - Leafy". From the monitoring of the Rinditech team the video shows someone wearing a police uniform but acting like a naughty young man, in the video also appears a man discusses the physical shortcomings of other YouTubers.

To be honest, we have difficulty understanding the purpose of the video as a whole, is it only for comedy or does it really intend to offend or corner others. But clearly, the video was deleted by YouTube after conducting a review first.

Based on the monitoring of the team at this time, the YouTubers who reported that some of their videos have been removed are still dominated by YouTubers who are based in the English language. For the local language, we don't have valid information yet and can be justified.

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Creator, Expert, Journalist, Advocate

In the development of the latest YouTube rules and regulations on 'harassment', Youtube tells us that they have also consulted with various people from various backgrounds such as legal experts, journalists, experts, and even creators or YouTubers invited to give their point of view.

It seems that Youtube doesn't want to play with the application of this new regulation. As seen from their seriousness in processing various issues that become regulations on Youtube.

But it is not mentioned in detail to whom they consulted, as we also know, different people certainly have different opinions. Even in one discipline, the opinions of each person must be diverse in responding to various issues.

From Monetize to Delete Channel

In the release of the remix, YouTube does not seem to be fooling around with this new regulation. Youtube explains the risks faced by their creators' content, from the threat of de-monetization to the removal of channels permanently.

The threat also seems not to be playing, not long after this announcement, YouTube deleted several videos that they consider to be violating the rules on Youtube. If the YouTuber continues to produce the same content, then it is certain that their channel is in danger of being removed.

What are the limits?

Because the latest YouTuber rules have only been running for a few days (before this article was written), the boundaries of what is permissible and which are not permitted in YouTube videos are still unclear.

For example just the case of deleting the youtube video in the initial paragraph, the video was actually uploaded more than a year ago, but it has only been removed now - now due to the latest YouTube rules or regulations.

YouTube also does not explain in detail the limits - limits, what is clear is they will be more active in monitoring and reviewing content that is considered 'disturbing'.

Creators are not free?

Is the creators' content free? Is Youtube not as free as it used to be? To answer these questions you can look behind your taste in the content on Youtube like what.

If you open YouTube just to watch television shows that are skipped or see footage of the results of the soccer match, then there really is nothing to worry about. Moreover, just to see the latest tutorials or products or gadgets then you don't need to worry.

But if you go to YouTube to see news or shows of controversy and grazed at a reasonable limit then you should start evaluating yourself what benefits do you get from these shows?

YouTube vs Television

At present in several countries, the number of YouTube viewers has outperformed conventional television viewers. With many TV channels making Youtube channels, it is certain that the number of YouTube viewers is very potential as a new market in the digital era.

what do you think about these latest Youtube rules? Are you helped or even bothered? Whatever the reason, we all want all the content on Youtube to be truly useful to all of its viewers.

Hopefully, this article about the latest YouTube rules is useful. Stay a wise user! #beWiseUser!

Blog authors

Rindi Putra
Rindi Putra
Graphic Designer & Technology Junkie Graduated with 'International Trade Management' Major | 2 Years of Professional career on International Shipping Company & 3 Years career on Local Fashion Brand Company | 10 Years (and still counting) as Digital content creator. Feel free to connect with me on Social Media Twitter/Instagram: @rindiputra

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